: I'm online using the free Excel. I converted some tickers into Stock Data Types in col B. Over in Col J, I inserted "=B2.Price" using the dropdown from the data card. I copied that celll down my column.My first ticker was SHOPIFY INC. XNYS:SHOP and ties in with Yahoo ...
A Microsoft Excel Add-in based on Excel-DNA which adds new user-defined functions (e.g. stock quote queries). Topics excel addin udf stock-quote yahoo-finance add-in excel-dna alpha-vantage stock-price alphavantage user-defined-function share-price finance-data alphavantage-api consorsbank ...
Nvda is still at pre-split price. I have already sent Michael over 6 emails and a week later, no reply at all. On my own I've tried doing everything he would probably suggest to look and do over at my end, and still not working. Wondering if anyone else is having the same ...
Apps Stock Connector by Michael Saunders Excel 3.3(499ratings) PricingAdditional purchase may be required OverviewRatings + reviewsDetails + support No reviews yet This offer doesn't have any reviews yet. To add the first review, get the offer and write your review....