It has two main class modules PriceTradeAnalyzer and SeriesPrediction described below. Module: PriceTradeAnalyzer Class PricingData Given a stock ticker, this will go out and download historical price data using the yahoofinance library. Downloaded data is cached to .csv file and stored in a ...
[3]. The researchers utilized historical stock price data from Yahoo Finance, spanning over a decade, to train their LSTM model. The study demonstrated that LSTM effectively shared the potential of capturing complex patterns and trends in stock price movements, leading to reasonably accurate ...
The LSTM is applied to capture stock price patterns using a variety of technical indicators as input variables, such as Relative Strength Index (RSI), Momentum Index (MOM), and True Range (TR). The MV model was used to generate optimal portfolios with different numbers of assets between five...
Predicting Stock Price Using Data Mining Technique. In Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2013), Katumu, Sudan, 17–19 December 2013; pp. 1–8. 26. Özorhan, M.O.; Toroslu, I.H.; Tolga, O.; Glu, S. A strength-biased prediction model ...