Do not be afraid to pick expensive stocks at absolute price and valuation. Note: Value investing may sound intelligent and enticing, but it is riskier. I neither have the age to take on such a risk nor the qualitative insights to pick stocks that the market has shunned but will be discove...
the small open economy of Sri Lanka ignored the call for system change and went for the seventeenth time in search of funds and advice for damage control from the watchdog of the ruling economic order,IMF. It received help after agreeing to comply with all of IMF’s conditionalities. As a...
Employee Stock Option Plan or ESOP is an employee benefit program that makes the employees shareholders of the company by purchasing of company shares below the market price or at a discounted price.
Although some medieval texts attribute the name to a mythical King Nórr, it is conventionally derived today from Old Norse *norðvegr, meaning ‘the northern route’ (the way northwards). There is, however, some possibility that medieval forms in norð-, north- are folk-etymologisation...
Deep learning techniques demonstrated promising capabilities in capturing non-linear characteristics and thus can result in accurate predictions for stock market forecasting. Luo et al. [21] presented a long short-term memory model to forecast stock market profits. The adaptive shuffled frog-leaping ...