The impact of data quantity and indicator adoption on accuracy is investigated, with a real-world case study confirming the strategy's effectiveness. The study examines factors affecting stock prices, including market trends and external events, emphasizing machine-learning's potential in forecasting. ...
Forecasting weekly reference evapotranspiration using Auto Encoder Decoder Bidirectional LSTM model hybridized with a Boruta-CatBoost input optimizer 2022, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Show abstract Trading volume and realized volatility forecasting: Evidence from the China stock market 2023, Journal...
API for real-time stock price forecasting using multivariate LSTM models. The API is developed with FastAPI, and the frontend is built using Streamlit. - saifx19/stock-price-forecasting-api
(b) it provides a generic framework for stock price prediction and classification; and (c) it implements an ensemble model鈥斺Random Forest + XG-Boost + LSTM鈥濃for forecasting TAINIWALCHM and AGROPHOS stock prices and performs a comparative analysis with popular machine learning and deep ...
CEGH: A Hybrid Model Using CEEMD, Entropy, GRU, and History Attention for Intraday Stock Market Forecasting Yi-Jiao LiuXinghua LiuYuxin ZhangShuping Li Entropy Dec 2022 Intraday stock time series are noisier and more complex than other financial time series with longer time horizons, which makes...
Forecasting directional movements of stock prices for intraday trading using LSTM and random forest - pushpendughosh/Stock-market-forecasting
Forecasting the realized volatility of stock price index A hybrid model integrating CEEMDAN and LSTM 预测股票价格指数的实际波动率 CEEMDAN 和 LSTM 的混合模型 波动率:波动率是金融资产价格的波动程度,是对资产收益率不确定性的衡量,用于反映金融资产的风险水平。波动率越高,金融资产价格的波动越剧烈,资产收益率...
deep-learningmonte-carlotrading-botlstmstock-marketstock-price-predictionseq2seqlearning-agentsstock-price-forecastingevolution-strategieslstm-sequencestock-prediction-modelsdeep-learning-stockstrategy-agentmonte-carlo-markov-chain UpdatedApr 16, 2023
Hassan and Nath in [9] applied the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) on the stock market forecasting on stock prices of four different Airlines. They reduce states of the model into four states: the opening price, closing price, the highest price, and the lowest price. The strong point of this ...
market stock lstm gan stockmarket stockmarketforecasting stockmarketforecaster Updated Jun 12, 2020 Jupyter Notebook nyoma-diamond / portfolioManager Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests A portfolio manager designed for Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. portfolio google google-spreadsheet spreadshee...