Most insurance companies in the world are stock insurance companies or mutual insurance companies. A stock insurance company is owned by stockholders, who share in profits earned by the company. A mutual insurance company is owned by the policyholders (投保人). Profits earned by a mutual ...
Stock insurance company An insurance company owned by a group ofstockholders, who are not necessarilypolicyholders. Copyright © 2012,Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved. Stock Insurance Company Apublicly-tradedinsurance company.Shareholdersin a stock insurance company may be, but are not necessa...
He finds that after 1993, in response to the changes in the relative rate schedules for individual and corporate income taxes, management-owned insurance companies pay their shareholders/managers less tax-deductible compensation than a control sample of non-management-owned counterparts. This result ...
The most important distinction among insurance companies is that they are either stock insurance companies, which are owned by stockholders, or mutual insurance companies, which are nonprofit corporations owned by the policyowners.A stock company is a corporation with stockholders that participate in ...
Trust and fiduciary services are provided by Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation (“BofA Corp.”). Insurance and annuity products are offered through Merrill Lynch Life Agency Inc. (“MLLA”), a ...
Many of the people who ring the bell are business executives whose companies trade on the exchange. However, there have also been many famous people from outside the world of business that have rung the bell. Athletes such as Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees and Olympic swimming champion...
In Depth: Why More Chinese Companies Are Getting Sued by Aggrieved Investors The number of class-action lawsuits accepted by China’s courts has jumped in the last few months as the government seeks to boost confidence in the stock market ...
Allpropertyandcasualty insurersperform the same basic function: selling insurance policies to customers. Where they vary is that some are organized as capital stock insurance companies while others operate as mutual companies. The main difference between the two is that amutual insureris owned by its...
A mutual insurance company is a corporation owned exclusively by the policyholders who are "contractual creditors" with a right to vote on the board of directors. Generally, companies are managed and assets (insurance reserves, surplus, contingency funds, dividends) are held for the bene...
The importance of banks in Greece cannot be overstated. All the bigger banks, and some of the smaller ones, are owned by the State. The latter traditionally, and, some might say, unscrupulously, has used the banking system, ostensibly in order to streamline the Greek post-war development ...