In Tally.ERP 9, you can compare data for different companies, stock groups, periods, valuation methods, and so on, by adding columns in the reports. Say you want to compare the closing balance of the stock - under LED Bulbs - in two consecutive months. ...
Stock Item refers to goods that you manufacture or trade. It is the primary inventory entity and is the lowest level of information on your inventory. You have to create a Stock Item in Tally.ERP 9 for each inventory item that you want to account for.
Stocktaking lets you have complete information about what you have. It would be otherwise very difficult to know about this crucial data (expiry dates). It results in a loss ofgross profit. This is because expired or obsolete stock may need to be discarded. Also, you could get rid of the...
MotabilityHirePurchasLeimited FinanciaSl tatements Yearended30Septembe2r009 CompanyreSistrationno.06543350 Contents Motabllity Hir€ Purche Limlt€d 2009annuarRepodandA..ounr Officersandprofessionaa[dvisors Dalid G lman(appoi.tedlOMar.h 2009) 2 2 s o u t h w a r kS r i d g eR o a...
Note: Few buttons appear only if you enabled the feature in F11: Features . Create Multiple Stock Categories Tally.ERP 9 allows you to create Stock Categories using single or multiple options. 1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Categories > Create (under Multiple Stock ...
The reconciled flow of goods at each location is available in Tally.ERP 9. ● Select F12: Configure while in the Godown/Location Summary screen, as shown below: The Godown Summary statement displays the flow of stock: Opening Stock, Goods Inwards, Goods Outward and Closing Stock , at each ...