When the need calls for a hard-working, rugged and accurate high-powered rifle, the Browning X-Bolt Hunter is the only choice. Its low-luster finish on the solid steel receiver, barrel and Walnut prevents glare and reflection. It has the complete X-Bolt package: crisp Feather Trigger with...
Reliable And Comprehensive Firearm Reviews. Handguns Rifle / Carbine Shotguns Shooting Accessories How To Search Select CategoryChristmas Gift ListsHandguns- 1911- Browning- Caracal- Colt- EAA- FN- Glock- Kimber- Mossberg- Remington- Revolver- Ruger- Sem
Accessories for above Stocks D SKS or AK Butt Pad adds 1 Inch Length...$12 F SKS Illustrated Manual Twenty pages...$10 I SKS or AK Sling 1 1/4 Black Nylon with Quick Detach Swivel and leather Tab...$20 J AK-47 Clip dust Cover 4 pack...$10 K SKS or AK Stripper Clips 5 pac...
Bullpup stock kit for a rifleThe present invention provides for a stock kit that converts a conventional rifle, such as an SKS, into bullpup configuration. The preferred embodiment of the provided stock kit does not require any permanent modification be made to the host firearm....
The present invention provides for a stock kit that converts a conventional rifle, such as an SKS, into bullpup configuration. The preferred embodiment of the provided stock kit does not require any permanent modification be made to the host firearm.Inventors...
www.americanrifleman.org Excellent ergonomic solutions, good accuracy and control in full-auto, ideal weight and capability for wide range of tactical attachments made it the favorite weapon for close quarter battle (CQB). On... Read more ...
Extremely rare in the USA , Norinco manufactured type 81 semi auto rifle in 223 caliber. The Type 81 incorporates elements of the Dragunov, SKS, and AK series of rifles. The rifle retains the general layout of the Chinese Type 56 assault rifle, but it ha
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