Internal Revenue Service (IRS) respected the taxpayer's charitable donation of appreciated stock, despite the circumstances suggested the recipient organization might dispose of the stock. It discusses the possibility of a sale to a trust of which taxpayer was the trustee. Details which are under ...
The final reason is the ease of donation. You could make things cumbersome by giving multiple donations directly to multiple charities. However, if you utilize adonor-advised fund, such as those run by Fidelity Charitable and Schwab Charitable, you can simply put all the stock you want to do...
Donor- Advised Fund Charities Charities Charities Investproceeds Contributesrestrictedstockheld oroveroneyear Grantovertime Eliminatecapitalgainstax FMVtaxdeduction DAFholdsshares untiltheycanbesold Considerationsinclude: •I theexecutiveissubjecttoRule144publicsalerestrictions,and/orisconsidereda“controlperson”in...