Vincom Retail是越南最大的购物中心业主和运营商。 这笔追加投资意味着华平财团迄今为止对Vincom Retail的投资已达到3亿美元,这是越南最大的单笔私募股权投资之一。华平财团于2013年5月对Vincom Retail进行了首笔投资,投资额为2亿美元。 Vincom Retail目前拥有20家运营中和在建商场。连同公司在越南的其它计划中项目,Vin...
The youngest company is Vincom Retail Joint Stock Company (VRE), which was founded in 2019 and is only 7 years old. Finally, the dummy variable ES represents the environmentally sensitive industry characteristics of the enterprise and has an average value of 0.17. This indicates that out of ...