才找到原因。问题就出在 SHP_DELIVERY_CREATE_FROM_STO 这个 sap的标准函数上。 再用简单的数据单独对这个函数测试。 现在要针对上面的数据,创建转储的交货单(公司间交易的交货单),测试数据如下: 1、当我所有行都作完全数量的创建时,没有问题,能够正创建. 输入 输出(很正常,行数,数量都正确 交货单 ...
1.前提手工维护了公司间的销售价格,这个最简单但需要销售采购两边维护价格 2.或者销售发票的定价类型使用复制采购订单的价格,复制来源于采购订单的价格,需注意的是复制采购订单的条件类型与销售发票的条件类型需要一致,如果采购订单使用了含税价条件类型或者自定义了很复杂的定价,则销售发票的条件类型的例程中也需要进行...
如果是INVF应付凭证需要以下配置 OBCB定义入账科目 INVL&INVF公共配置信息 OBCE定义入账相关参数 OBCD配置税码转换 国家可以为空,有些tax rate需要三位小数点,有些不需要,具体是否需要可以看IDOC报错信息来调整。 OBCC附加入账配置(CO) Trouble shooting SLG1 EDI Testing Document by Airy sap 公司间交易...
Billing IDOC 自动生成 MIRO 及应付会计凭证 sap 公司间交易(采购单转储)-公司间交易价格的配置公司间销售(我的百度文库中搜寻一下就可以找到这些资料) STO 自动触发交货单注意改配置更改后只会对新建的 STO 采购订单影响,已经新建的采购订单不会再自动创建,还是需要手工执行VL10B 创建的配置路径 2022年-2023年最新...
And if I see the status in SM37, it shos the job as finished, but when I open the spool and click on Abap list, under each open OBD document it says "User xx already processing Purchasing document xxxx (STO number) And in VL23 status shows as below Could you please see what is ...
-In some projects, inbound delivery needs to be created on the receiving side. Through system settings, SAP can automatically trigger the inbound delivery document in this scenario after the goods issue posted by the issue company. I wrote this blog to explain how to use the SAP standard out...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, you can use BAPI_PO_CREATE, po_header-doc_type = 'UB' Rgds, JP Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2007 Jul 03 7:25 AM 0 Kudos 1,188 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi , I also finding the bapi as this now ...
Amazon Transcribe 适用于 SAP ABAP 的 SDK Amazon Bedrock 运行时系统 CloudWatch DynamoDB Amazon EC2 Kinesis Lambda Amazon S3 SageMaker 人工智能 Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon Textract Amazon Translate 适用于 Swift 的 SDK Amazon Cognito Identity DynamoDB IAM Amazon S3 AWS STS Amazon Transcrib...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I am using this BAPI to create outbound delivery. but i am getting errror in the table return The error message is : Please check the entries. No work list selected. What is the reason for this error ? How do solve this and to get a successful ou...
-In some projects, inbound delivery needs to be created on the receiving side. Through system settings, SAP can automatically trigger the inbound delivery document in this scenario after the goods issue posted by the issue company. I wrote this blog to explain how to use the SAP standard out...