APO Attack Pattern Omega BFAW Beam Array: Fire at Will FAW Beam Array: Fire at Will BO Beam Array: Overload CRF Cannon: Rapid Fire CSV Cannon: Scatter Volley DPA Dispersal Pattern Alpha DPB Dispersal Pattern Beta DisT Distributed Targeting FOMM Fire on my Mark FA Focused Assault FF Focused...
No part here is wasted or idly played: Even irresistible tyke Selim is button-cute but never cutesy, a full life and mind evident in her firework movements and off-on-her-own-beam responses. The filmmaking is appropriately raw but far from careless, with Doksevski’s compositions kept ...
Many of modern life activities involve the risk of fire, explosions, and impacts. In addition, natural extreme events are becoming more and more common. Thus, robustness, the ability to avoid disprop...
Recordings were made from DRG neurons using fire-polished glass electrodes with a resistance of 3–7 MΩ. Extracellular solution contained (mM): NaCl 140, MgCl2 1, CaCl2 2, KCl 4, glucose 4 and HEPES 10 (pH 7.4), and electrodes were filled with a solution containing (mM): KCl 130,...
Adams, Barry
No part here is wasted or idly played: Even irresistible tyke Selim is button-cute but never cutesy, a full life and mind evident in her firework movements and off-on-her-own-beam responses. The filmmaking is appropriately raw but far from careless, with Doksevski’s compositions kept ...
BFAW Beam Array: Fire at Will FAW Beam Array: Fire at Will BO Beam Array: Overload CRF Cannon: Rapid Fire CSV Cannon: Scatter Volley DPA Dispersal Pattern Alpha DPB Dispersal Pattern Beta DisT Distributed Targeting FOMM Fire on my Mark ...