The X-CUBE-H7DC-APP Expansion Package shows how to use OpenAMP middleware to create a communication channel (called rpmsg channel) between the two CPUs of dual-core STM32H74xxx and STM32H75xxx microcontrollers, and send the data from the Cortex®-M4 to the Cortex®-M7 to create an ...
FileXFx_DualInstanceIt demonstrates how the coexistence capability of two FileX/LevelX stacks running independently on each core.readme FileXFx_IAPIt demonstrates how to implement an In-Application programming (IAP) using FileX's SD file access capabilities. The application is designed to erase and...
FileXFx_DualInstanceIt demonstrates how the coexistence capability of two FileX/LevelX stacks running independently on each core.readme FileXFx_IAPIt demonstrates how to implement an In-Application programming (IAP) using FileX's SD file access capabilities. The application is designed to erase and...
The X-CUBE-H7DC-APP Expansion Package shows how to use OpenAMP middleware to create a communication channel (called rpmsg channel) between the two CPUs of dual-core STM32H74xxx and STM32H75xxx microcontrollers, and send the data from the Cortex...
概要 The X-CUBE-H7DC-APP Expansion Package shows how to use OpenAMP middleware to create a communication channel (called rpmsg channel) between the two CPUs of dual-core STM32H74xxx and STM32H75xxx microcontrollers, and send the data from the Cortex®-M4 to the Cortex®-M7 to create...