拿一根microUSB线连接上开发板,屏幕点亮了,红色的LED也点亮了,但是这界面给人感觉少了点什么 点击按钮跳到了第二个页面,依旧是啥也没有 自带的demo不会这么简陋吧,看来施展的空间完全留给了自己啊 使用特权 评论回复 赏 共1人点赞返回列表 高级模式 B Color Image Link Quote Code 收费 Smilies 您需要登...
STM32CubeMX软件版本:V6.6.1 操作系统:Windows10 1.2下载官方demo 为了快速GUI开发,使用TouchGFX...
tcpip: dns_tmr()dns_tmr: dns_check_entries sys_timeout: 24000fec msecs=1000 handler=cyclic_...
If it is not there then click add and find that external loader. Optionally you could load a preexisting demo or example based on the same board and check out its settings. If you feel a post has answered your question, please click "Accept as Solution"...