- - - - - - -X GPIO_EXTI This example shows how to configure external interrupt lines. XXX - X X XX GPIO_IOToggle This example describes how to configure and use GPIOs through the HAL API. - -X - X X XX This example describes how to customize the HAL HAL_TimeBase_RTC_ALA RM...
4.1.9.\ADC\ADC_InjectedConversion_Interrupt\MDK-ARM36 4.1.10.\CAN\CAN_LoopBack\MDK-ARM37 4.1.11.\CAN\CANworking\MDK-ARM37 4.1.12.\Cortex\CORTEXM_SysTick\MDK-ARM37 4.1.13.\Cortex\CORTEXM_MPU\MDK-ARM38 4.1.14.\Cortex\CORTEXM_ModePrivilege\MDK-ARM38 4.1.15.\CRC\CRC_Example\MDK-ARM...
reentrant functions can work with global data. For example, a re-entrant interrupt service routine can grab a piece of hardware status to work with (e.g. serial port read buffer) which is not only global, but volatile. Still, typical use of static variables and global data is not advised...
3.23.7 SysTick timer This timer is dedicated to real-time operating systems, but could also be used as a standard downcounter. It features: • A 24-bit downcounter • Autoreload capability • Maskable system interrupt generation when the counter reaches 0 • Programmable clock source DS...
2x watchdogs, SysTick timer • Debug mode – SWD & JTAG interfaces – Cortex®-M7 Trace Macrocell™• Up to 168 I/O ports with interrupt capability – Up to 164 fast I/Os up to 108 MHz – Up to 166 5 V-tolerant I/Os DocID028294 Rev 6 1/255 www.st.com STM32F777xx ...
SysTick timer This timer is dedicated to real-time operating systems, but could also be used as a standard downcounter. It features: • A 24-bit downcounter • Autoreload capability • Maskable system interrupt generation when the counter reaches 0 • Programmable clock source DS11532 ...
Fairly regularly (around ~1.5 hours, on a 100Hz interrupt, with other transactions alongside), I find that the system has locked up - some interrupts are still being serviced (e.g: I2C, CAN), but the application flow has entirely halted. ...
‘m’ : Enter Low Power Interrupt Mode ‘x’ : Reset the MSP430 ‘v’ : Toggle DMP Low Power Quaternion Generation44.7. MPU6050—使用第三方上位机 上一小节中的实验必须配合使用官方提供的上位机才能看到三维模型,而且功能比较简单,所以在小节中我们演示如何把数据输出到第三方的上位机,直观地观察设备的...
The STM32H7x3 line devices include a larger set of peripherals with advanced features and optimized power consumption compared to the STM32F7 series: • High-Resolution Timer (HRTIM) • Low-Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (LPUART) • Single Wire Protocol Master Interface (...
Each function name will be displayed as it is called from the function before it or from an interrupt or exception. When a function exits, it is removed from the list. The first called function is at the bottom of this table. This table is active only when the program is stopped. 3....