STM32F4XX向指定FLASH地址读写向FLASH中写入数据的主体思想就是先解锁,然后清标志位,然后找到要写入的地址,然后改变标志准备写入,然后在按已有的函数按地址一字节一字 ...
of all STM32F4xx devices. These functions are split in 4 groups:(#) FLASH Interface configuration functions: this group includes the management of the following features: (++) Set the latency (++) Enable/Disable the prefetch buffer (++) Enable/Disable the Instruction cache and the Data cache...
擦除函数是: FLASH_EraseSector(uint32_t FLASH_Sector, uint8_t VoltageRange) 函数的第一个参数是扇区编号,第二个参数填写自己芯片的供电电压范围.一般都是填写 VoltageRange_3 2.2 关于怎么获取这个编号 所以擦除一般都写成: FLASH_EraseSector(/*获取地址对应的扇区编号*/STMFLASH_GetFlashSector(要擦除的地址...
} FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef;/** * @brief FLASH Advanced Option Bytes Program structure definition */ #if defined(STM32F427xx) || defined(STM32F437xx) || defined(STM32F429xx) || defined(STM32F439xx) ||\ defined(STM32F401xC) || defined(STM32F401xE) || defined(STM...
Missing FLASH_CR_ERRIE in CMSIS of STM32F415xx Go to solution MGore Associate 2021-03-01 12:51 AM Hey, I'm programming with the STM32F415 MCU and discovered that the FLASH_CR_ERRIE declaration is missing in the CMSIS files. Is this a known issue or even ...
【STM32F4系列】【HAL库】【自制库】W25QXX FLASH驱动 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 国产Android系统状态栏暗亮色适配,支持自动根据背景色切换暗亮色模式 2025-01-30 17:56:37 积分:1 DolphinScheduler+海豚 2025-01-30 17:24:26 积分:1 ...
1.F407xxx系列的flash都是这个样子 STM32F405xx/407xx and STM32F415xx/417xx 也是这样子 主存储区总共12个扇区,Sector0 - Sector11; Sector0 - Sector3 每个扇区是16KB = 16*1024 = 16384字节; 总共4个扇区 = 16384*4=65536字节 Sector4 扇区是64KB = 64*1024 = 65536字节; ...
I ran into a problem when reading data through QUAD SPI. I use discovery board MB1209D with STM32F412ZGT6U and 128 MBIT QUAD SPI flash NOR memory N25Q128 (Micron). When I read the last block (subsector part of 512 bytes) of data by addre...
bugs in system_stm32f4xx.c when making new default project running from flash HAL_Delay() infinite loop because systick not incrementing on stm32F4 and stm32L4 boards due to bugs in system_stm32f4xx.c / system_stm32l4xx.c when making new default project running from flash Feb 22, ...
* This driver provides functions to configure and program the FLASH * memory of all STM32F4xx devices. * These functions are split in 4 groups: * * 1. FLASH Interface configuration functions: this group includes the * management of the following features: ...