首先看一下开发板第一印象:保持了ST开发板一贯的作风,简单的吸塑外壳包装,绿色的板子,由于之前提到的丰富的功能和亲民的价格等原因,ST Discovery系列开发板已经在工程师中打响了品牌,大家一看就能认出它的真面目。这块板子最引人注意的无疑是正面那块黝黑的2.4”LCD屏幕,这也是这块开发板最吸引人的,最特别的功能,...
The Discovery kit includes a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD, an external 64-Mbit SDRAM, an ST‑MEMS gyroscope, a USB OTG Micro-AB connector, LEDs, and push-buttons. An embedded ST-LINK/V2-B debugger/programmer is included. The board comes ...
本公司生产销售开发板 开发板,提供开发板专业参数,开发板价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.开发板 开发板 品牌BESWHO/佰斯浩|产地广东省|价格230.00元|型号STM32F429I-DISC1|高度2.5mm|长度9.1mm|宽度3.6mm|最小电源电压5V|最大工作温度130C|最大电源电压7V|最小
官方例程下载地址:http://www.st.com/web/cn/catalog/tools/PF259429# 下载后得到文件stsw-stm32138.zip,将该文件解压缩,得到STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.1文件夹。 然后打开STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.1\Projects\Master_Workspace\MDK-ARM\STM32F429I-Discovery.uvmpw文件。 执行编译连接然后下载烧写...
A 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD. The LCD driver is one of the features that really sets the STM32F429 apart from others in the crowded microcontroller market. While other chips are appearing that have an onboard LCD controller (such as the PIC32MZ-DA series), the price point and ready availability...
Ive started by bringing it into the mbed online compiler and adding the necessary libraries.#include "LCD_DISCO_F429ZI.h"and#include "mbed.h" I am now trying to find the equivalent to the STM32F4 TIMER 9. (Of course this also goes for RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin...
With the STM32F429 Discovery kit (32F429IDISCOVERY), users develop applications easily on the STM32F429 high-performance MCUs with Arm®Cortex®‑M4 core. The Discovery kit includes a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD, an external 64-Mbit SDRAM, an ST‑MEMS gyroscope, a USB OTG Micro-AB connecto...
32F429IDISCOVERY - Discovery kit with STM32F429ZI MCU * New order code STM32F429I-DISC1 (replaces STM32F429I-DISCO), STM32F429I-DISC1, STMicroelectronics