TheSTM32 Nucleo board pinoutis shown above. As you can see, there are two sets of pins. The pin one resembles the Arduino UNO and the blue one is the STM32 style (Morpho). The arduino like pins are female connector pins which exactly match the order and position of Arduino UNO pins ...
STM32引脚的输入输出使用 4、总结简述 本章主要是讲解了STM32引脚 的输入输出使用。1、芯片选型&创建工程这里我选择的是STM32F103CC8T6芯片。配置工程名点击finish2、芯片工程配置这里我们主要是在.ioc文件里面进行图形界面配置1)配置系统外部晶振&仿真引脚配置①在Pinout 杀狼000 2022-01-13 07:30:12 ...