"STM32 Timers and Timer Interrupts"https://www.digikey.be/en/maker/projects/getting-started-with-stm32-timers-and-timer-interrupts/d08e6493cefa486fb1e79c43c0b08cc6Example 3: Interrupt-driven LED timer to blink the BluePill User LED. */ ... /* Private variables ---*/ TIM_Handl...
OK, now the Blink example compiles without error. But after i've uploaded the sketch to the device through Maple DFU Bootloader 2.0, neither the LED blinking starts, nor the DFU port appears. I guess i have to reupload the bootloader to it with a serial bootloader again.Contributor...
(Shared {}, Local { led, state: false }) } #[task(local = [state, led])] async fn button_click(ctx: button_click::Context) { loop { println!("blink"); if *ctx.local.state { ctx.local.led.set_high(); *ctx.local.state = false; } else { ctx.local.led.set_low(); *ctx...
④GPIO output: ⑤LED_Blink Example: #include "stm32f10x.h" int main(void){ //initialize the clock for the port C RCC->APB2ENR |= (1<<4); //Configure pin13 on GPIOC GPIOC->CRH |= ((1<<20)|(1<<21)); // OUTPUT 50MHz GPIOC->CRH &= ~((1<<22)|(1<<23)); //Gen...
Create a new Rust project as you usually do withcargo init. The hello world of embedded development is usually to blink an LED and code to do so is available inexamples/blinky.rs. Copy that file to themain.rsof your project. You also need to add some dependencies to yourCargo.toml: ...
Finally (and easier), the reset blink command will blink the user LED of the connected "Blue Pill" device for identification purposes.On macOS the device special files should be of the form /dev/tty.usbmodemWXYZ... for some value of "WXYZ..." 13. As noted above, it is unlikely ...
Finally (and easier), the reset blink command will blink the user LED of the connected "Blue Pill" device for identification purposes.On macOS the device special files should be of the form /dev/tty.usbmodemWXYZ... for some value of "WXYZ..." 13. As noted above, it is unlikely ...