data-bit = 8,\r\n stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off\r\nActivating device: OK\r\nChip ID: 0x450 \r\nBootLoader protocol version: 3.1\r\n\r\n\r\nMemory Programming ...\r\nOpening and parsing file: DSPBoardH7.elf\r\n File : DSPBoardH7.elf\r\n Size : ...
16:30:54 : Error: J-Link - Connection to target failed16:30:54 : Error: J-Link - Reading CPUID failed16:30:54 : Voltage : 3.31V16:30:54 : Error: Database cannot be found. DatabasePath = /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeProgrammer/
idea导入maven项目,出现以下错误: [ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:m... maven-compiler-plugin:X.X.X or one of its dependencies could not be resolved...
[DATABASE][SWD] Wrong flash memory size for 512-Kbyte parts (Device_ID=0x413). [automode][OB] Extend CLI check on invalid values to auto mode. [OB][VERIFY] Wrong value read for HDP2EN in 32-bit operating system. [OB][STM32G4] Issue when displaying option bytes in CLI via UART...
Once these steps are done the user can read the product ID. Figure 36. Example product ID The product ID of the STM32WL used is: 49701005 In the second step, the users provision their own HSMv2 by programming it using STPC. The personalization data file .bin can be found un...
Error: failed to download the File The error in log file is: libusb control transfer error [-9] : LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE Even the initial connection via USB does not work correctly, as not all information is always read correctly (The initial connection fails if I use ve...
Dear sir, I want to connect my stm32 board with stm32 cube programmer. but there is some issue, 1.i am able to read the device number , but the
[DATABASE][SWD] Wrong flash memory size for 512-Kbyte parts (Device_ID=0x413). [automode][OB] Extend CLI check on invalid values to auto mode. [OB][VERIFY] Wrong value read for HDP2EN in 32-bit operating system. [OB][STM32G4] Issue when displaying option bytes in CLI via UART...