mpu_dmp_init(); printf("初始化成功!\n");/*USER CODE END 2*//*Infinite loop*//*USER CODE BEGIN WHILE*/while(1) { HAL_Delay(500);while(mpu_dmp_get_data(&pitch, &roll, &yaw));//必须要用while等待,才能读取成功MPU_Get_Accelerometer(&aacx, &aacy, &aacz);//得到加速度传感器数据...
SCS中还有SysTick定时器、存储器保护单元(MPU)以及用于调试的寄存器等。该地址区域中基本上所有的寄存器都只能由运行在特权访问等级的代码访问。唯一的例外为软件触发中断寄存器(STIR),它可被设置为非特权模式访问。 NVIC初始化函数 void NVIC_Init (NVIC_InitTypeDef *NVIC_InitStruct) 1. Initializes the NVIC perip...
30 /* Switch Thread mode Stack from Main to Process ---*/ 31 /* Initialize memory reserved for Process Stack */ 32 for(Index = 0; Index < SP_PROCESS_SIZE; Index++) 33 { 34 PSPMemAlloc[Index] = 0x00; 35 } 36 //系统上电,是在线程模式,特权级别下,所以可以修改CONTROL寄存器,这个寄...
【1.3】 在弹出对话框的“MCU/MPU Selector”选项卡中,首先,在左侧搜索框中输入该工 程需要使用的芯片型号“STM32F407VE”,然后,用鼠标在右下方的芯片列表中选择具体的 芯片型号,接着点击右上角的“Start Project”按钮,开始工程的各项配置。 【1.4】 工程配置的主界面有四个菜单:Pinout & Configuration、Clock...
STM32CubeMX is often the first utility developers launch when working on their STM32 MCU because it lets them initialize their device, select the correct firmware package, configure the clock tree, and more. As a result, ST aims to add support for our latest devices continuously.For instance...
void MPU_Config(void) { MPU_Region_InitTypeDef MPU_InitStruct = {0};/*Initializes and ...
文稿stm32cubemx用户手册v30英文2019-10.pdf,UM1718 User manual STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation Introduction STM32CubeMX is a graphical tool for STM32 microcontrollers. It is part of the STM32Cube initiative (see Sec
Even that's a code generator, a deeper knowledge of the mpu and their peripheral extensions are required. I have never used a cubeMX Framework for my projects, but sometimes it saves time to setup the timing values and the supported peripherie. It does not generate an example or fillup ...
Infrastructure - Core Locking and MPU Options: SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT(Memory Functions Protection):默认Disabled。平台锁,保护关键区域内缓存的分配与释放。 Infrastructure - Heap and Memory Pools Options: MEM_SIZE(Heap Memory Size):默认1600 Byte(s)。堆内存的大小。如果应用程序将发送很多需要复制的数据应该...
Infrastructure - Core Locking and MPU Options: SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT(Memory Functions Protection):默认Disabled。平台锁,保护关键区域内缓存的分配与释放。 Infrastructure - Heap and Memory Pools Options: MEM_SIZE(Heap Memory Size):默认1600 Byte(s)。堆内存的大小。如果应用程序将发送很多需要复制的数据应该...