此外,Code Generator Options选项默认选择Copy only the necessary library files,即只需要从下载的固件包中拷贝需要的文件到工程中。如果选择Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file的话,表示从下载的固件包从添加必要的库文件,(经过测试,有些头文件是直接引用了固件包里...
如果我们重新创建一个工程,工程名字命名为FOR_TEST(笔者随意命名的),然后在下面的Code Generator Options选项选择配置为Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file(一般不建议采用这种方式,下面会解释原因),然后固件包保存在另一个路径下,例如笔者选择保存在E:\STM32CubeIDE_...
图8.3.4创建工程时的配置 如果我们重新创建一个工程,工程名字命名为FOR_TEST(笔者随意命名的),然后在下面的Code Generator Options选项选择配置为Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file(一般不建议采用这种方式,下面会解释原因),然后固件包保存在另一个路径下,例如笔...
工程名字命名为FOR_TEST(笔者随意命名的),然后在下面的Code Generator Options选项选择配置为Add ...
此外,Code Generator Options选项默认选择Copy only the necessary library files,即只需要从下载的固件包中拷贝需要的文件到工程中。如果选择Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file的话,表示从下载的固件包从添加必要的库文件,(经过测试,有些头文件是直接引用了固件包里...
Cube IDE 1.12.1 codegenerator crashing (stm32cube.common.mx_6.8.1.202304191431) mfreitas Associate II 2023-07-12 12:29 PM Hi, I have a cube ide project that has started to consistently crash the codegenerator module whenever I try to reopen the .ioc file. It ...
Buildscript generator: Ninja Apply Configuration: Release Cmake4eclipse > Symbols Set symbols (use your toolchain file here and any needed settings), ie: CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH = ../cmake/gnu-arm-stm32.cmake CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING = RelWithDebInfo Apply Cmake4eclipse > Host OS ...
输入项目名称、路径,选择IDE及版本,Heap Size=0x1000,Stack Size=0x1000。其他保持默认,保存STM32CubeMX文件XXX.ioc,点击GENERATE CODE生成。此处选用STM32CubeIDE和MDK V5.32两种IDE的工程。 6.2.设置TouchGFX 打开之前生成的XXX.ioc工程,或继续上面已打开的工程进行设置。STM32H743上运行TouchGFX仅需要进行CRC、DMA2D...
Using the “LED” label provided earlier, the code generator has already defined some names to GPIO_PIN_13 and the port it is on. In this case, LED_Pin is GPIO_PIN_13, and LED_GPIO_Port is GPIOC. Go back to main.c, and insert the following two lines between /* USER CODE BEGIN...
Creating a BOARD project with Code generator options add necessary library files as reference.. and initialize all peripherals with default settings can cause build errors if BOARD depends on the USB library. The Generate code operation re-includes excluded files in folders that are created by STM...