-Map=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).map,--cref -Wl,--gc-sections| | | | | | |-- 删除没用到的段| | | | | |-- 生成 map 文件| | | | |-- -lc ,链接标准 C 库 libc.a| | | | |-- -lm ,链接标准数学库 libm.a| | | | |-- -lnosys ,链接 libnosys.a| | | |-- 我们...
make: *** No rule to make target '../Core/Startup/startup_stm32l476rgtx.s', needed by 'Core/Startup/startup_stm32l476rgtx.o'. Stop. I work on NUCLEO-L476RG board. Any tip how to resolve this problem? Labels: STM32CubeIDE STM32L4 Series 1 Kudo Rep...
make: *** No rule to make target 'build/start.o', needed by 'build/study-5.elf'. Stop. 这个错误里的build/start.o,指的是Core/Src/start.cpp这个文件没找到,因此编译不出build/start.o这个规则来。 这个规则是在 image.png 这里产生的。 形成这个错误的主要原因在于,你的CPP_SOURCES的路径书写出错...
后来再编译的时候就总是报错 make: *** No rule to make targetmain.elf', needed byelf’. Stop. 网上找过各种资料都不合适, 后来实在没办法了. 1.把代码中比较重要的文件都复制出来备份好,然后把整个项目的内容都删的只剩ioc文件, 2.然后再打开ioc文件重新生成的整个项目. 3.把重要的文件再复制回来就...
CubeMX生成代码的时候工具链选择makefile 生成的目录结构如下: Makefile就是我们要使用的构建规则文件。 如果你使用basic_framework,不需要重新生成代码。 VSCode编译和调试配置 VSCode常用快捷键包括: 更多快捷键可以按ctrl+K再按ctrl+S显示,并且可以修改成你最习惯的方式。此外,使用Snippets可以大幅度提高重复性的代码...
General rule for settings would be as per table below This table is a subject of potential mistakes, not tested withGCC compilerfor all lines. ForSTM32F7, go toSTM32F7xx official siteand check if your device has single or double precision FPU, then apply settings accordingly. Products list...
The component driver provide specific APIs to the BSP driver external components and could be portable on any other board. • BSP driver It allows linking the component driver to a specific board and provides a set of user- friendly APIs. The API naming rule ...
• Accuracy: AI can deliver better performance and versability versus rule-based methods • Privacy-by-design: It ensures data privacy compared to Cloud-based AI as processing is performed locally (on-chip). • Frugality: Low data-transmission and optimized AI run locally leads to substantia...
signal processing is then interpreted through simple rule-based systems, e.g. a message is sent when the total energy in a signal crosses a threshold. And while these systems work well, it’s hard to detect complex events, as you’d need to plan for every potential state of the system....
Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Source/Templates/system_stm32f4xx.c:287:1: fatal error: opening dependency file .dep/system_stm32f4xx.o.d: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [build/system_stm32f4xx.o] Fehler 1 ...