static struct rt_touch_data *read_data; static struct rt_touch_info info; struct rt_touch_data *read_coordinate(void) { return &read_data[0]; } static void gt9147_entry(void *parameter) { rt_device_control(dev, RT_TOUCH_CTRL_GET_INFO, &info); read_data = (struct rt_touch_data ...
4)因为没有移植ucosⅡ,不支持任务,需要靠GUI_TOUCH_Exec() 这个函数是定时刷新,驱动函数获取坐标值重绘窗口。即设置完窗口,并不会马上生效,必须重绘才能显示。 因此在定时器中断EXTI1_IRQHandler中加入GUI_TOUCH_Exec();实现坐标获取。 5)横屏显示,LCD坐标的系数及偏移需要重新设置,并且实际检测中,右上角触屏不灵...
1、NUCLEO-G474RE开发板 2、SH1106显示屏(SPI接口)【开发环境】1、win11 2、STM32CubeMAX6.10.0...
触摸校正函数XPT2046_Touch_Calibrate的代码涉及到的都是数学函数映射关系的运算,比较复杂,此处作原理讲解,在工程应用需要校正时,可采用 代码清单:触摸-7 中的Calibrate_or_Get_TouchParaWithFlash函数。 代码清单:触摸-7 校正并存储转换系数到SPI FLASH(bsp_xpt2046_lcd.c文件) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...
STM32F4 MCU series with ARM Cortex-M4 processor including DSP and FPU reaches 225 DMIPS and 608 CoreMark with 180 MHz operating frequency. Full development ecosystem includes boards, embedded software and support.
The STM32F405xx and STM32F407xx family offers devices in four packages ranging from 64 pins to 176 pins. The set of included peripherals changes with the device chosen. STM32F407xx系列主要特性: ■ Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M4 CPU with FPU, Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerat...
5.7” 640×480 TFT color LCD with touchscreen Ethernet compliant with IEEE-802.3-2002 USB OTG_HS and OTG_FS I2C compatible serial interface RTC with rechargeable backup battery SAI audio DAC ST-MEMS digital microphones 8-Gbyte (or ...
LCD screen is a TFT LCD with touch-screen operation, these applications can be opened by double-clicking the application icon. Each application and task scheduling through UCOS-II real-time operating system scheduler, system operation and smooth, ...
关键词:昆仑通态触摸屏;工业控制;S TM32控制器 中图分类号:T P317.4文献标识码:A R e s e a r c h o n C o m m u n i c a t i o n M e t h o d B e t w e e n M C G S a n d S T M32 C a o X u e h u a,Y a n g L i z h i (C o m p u t ...
STM32 HAL-based library for ILI9341 TFT modules with touchscreen. This library is based onafiskon/stm32-st7735andafiskon/stm32-ssd1306. Initialization sequence for ILI9341 was borrowed frommartnak/STM32-ILI9341. See also: ...