stm32 use of undeclared identifier GPIO_InitTypeDef 1.Output、Listing 两个选项输出文件地址可能指向错误 2.调整上述两个输出文件位置后,再次编译,若出现以下错误 User\main.c(6): error: #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block 选中以下配置,并保存...
是自己想写一个DHT11温湿度传感器的程序,main函数还没有开始写,刚开始写GPIO_DHT11_Config,定义一下DHT11要用的GPIO口,GPIO的.c文件我添加了 在options里也include了.h文件 在conf.h里也把GPIO.h的注释去掉了 但写GPIO_InitTypeDef还是报错 提示我use of undeclared identifier GPIO_InitTypeDef ,检查了好几遍了...
RTX_Blinky.c(92): error: use of undeclared identifier 'CoreDebug'92 | if( CoreDebug->DHCSR & CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk )RTX_Blinky.c(92): error: use of undeclared identifier 'CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk'92 | if( CoreDebug->DHCSR & CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk ) ...
/Device/ST/STM32F1xx/Include/stm32f103xb.h:649:31:error:expectedidentifier or '(' before 'TIM_TypeDef'想知道STM32CubeIDE代码和注册码可以吗!有人能帮我吗? 温暖镜头2023-01-12 07:31:07 MDK5,STM32f407编译问题 error:expected“)”after‘asm’error:use of undeclared identifier'MSR'为什么这个有...
Anyway it built nicely with STM32CubeIDE so i keep going with it for now If you want to pursue the platformio errors, could you maybe post a copy of the build output somewhere - a gist or pastebin? I'll compare that with my working env.. Cheers. ...
- FIX: Fixed non functioning option SPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION=FALSE (bug 3084764)(backported to 2.0.6). - FIX: Fixed wrong macro check in STM32 serial support (bug 3078891)(backported to 2.0.6). - FIX: Fixed non functioning option CH_USE_NESTED_LOCKS (bug 3075544) (backported to 2.0....