Using USBlyzer all the descriptor info seems ok but windows will only recognise the CDC (virtual com port). The port gets enumerated and I can open and close it but data goes to the wrong endpoint no matter how I swap them around. Also, windows completely ignores the MSC unless I disabl...
这个项目基于我们之前的 STM32 项目 (,在 .ioc 文件中有这些变化: 在引脚视图中,我们将 GPIO PE4 设置为 OUTPUT 并将其标记为“灯泡”。 在USB_HOST\usb_host.c 中的 USBH_CDC_ReceiveCallback 函数中,我们将 CDC_RX_Buffer 复制到一...
// 开始从 USB 接收 USBH_CDC_Receive(&hUsbHostFS, CDC_RX_Buffer, RX_BUFF_SIZE);} 打破;案...
在 USB_HOST\usb_host.c 中的 USBH_CDC_ReceiveCallback 函数中,我们将 CDC_RX_Buffer 复制到一...
打开usbd_dcd_if.c文件 找到CDC_Receive_FS()函数,这个函数如果USB虚拟串口数据收到就会被调用,我们在这个函数中将收到的数据在发回去,只需要添加CDC_Transmit_FS(Buf, *Len);这一句即可。 使用串口调试助手给它发数据: 6.3 虚拟串口重定向 打开usbd_dcd_if.c文件 ...
stm32f429i disc usb cdc vcp 虚拟串口 example project (CubeMX Hal)
Add four Device examples under Project\USB_Device_Examples VCP_Loopback Composite_Examples\MSC_HID_Composite Composite_Examples\CDC_HID_Composite CustomHID Add new Host CDC example under Project\USB_Host_Examples For the complete list of changes, please refer to the release notes of each firmware ...
2 STM32的USB简介 3 USB实现类 3.1 USB-CDC 4 代码分析 4.1 stm32f4-discovery-usb-cdc-example分析 4.1.1 main.c 4.1.2 usbd_desc.h 4.1.3 usbd_desc.c 4.1.4 stm32f4xx_it.c 4.1.5 usb_bsp.c 4.1.6 usb_conf.h 4.1.7 usbd_conf.h ...
We ran the samples/subsys/usb/cdc_acm on the custom board and it does not echo data back. We have modified the test to send some data from the device to the host and that works fine, but it does not receive data.We never see the UART (USB CDC ACM) callback functions called on ...
尝试使用STM32的USB Host CDC库去驱动CH340G,能够正确识别且虚拟出的串口能够正常数据收发,但切换到CH9102x后,USB Host CDC库提示Class库不匹配,CH9102x看资料是既支持CDC也支持VCP,这里的CDC与CH340G支持的CDC有什么区别呢? ejlwj 2022-09-26 06:16:51 USB...