打开工程文件夹Middlewares/USB_DEVICE/App下usbd_custom_hid_if.c文件 找到CUSTOM_HID_ReportDesc_FS数组定义处。 添加如下代码: /** Usb HID report descriptor. */__ALIGN_BEGINstaticuint8_tCUSTOM_HID_ReportDesc_FS[USBD_CUSTOM_HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE]__ALIGN_END={/* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */0x06,0...
The STM32 USBHID example program shows how to configure and use the USB peripheral of STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx microcontroller. This USB example project implements a Human Interface Device that connects via the USB interface to the PC. A Human Inte
Update (Feb 2018): As this post seems to be quite popular, I decided to write a new post for STM32 USB beginners with example code/project where we port CubeMX generated USB HID mouse to USB HID keyboard. Update 2 (Feb 2018): Here is another post about m
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_REPORT (Total length for Report descriptor(IN ENDPOINT))(报告描述符大小):2(默认为2,可根据自定义设备描述符的具体大小修改) USBD_CUSTOMHID_OUTREPORT_BUF_SIZE (Maximum report buffer size)(发送与接收数据大小):2(默认为2,HID一次最多可以发送64个字节) 设备描述符保持默认。 四、生成...
2.19.1USB FS Examples(USB_Device_Examples-HID) (13)2.19.2USB FS Examples(USB_Device_Examples-MSC) (14)2.19.3USB FS Examples(USB_Device_Examples-VCP) (14)2.19.4USB FS Examples(USB_Host_Device_Examples - DRD) (15)2.19.5USB FS Examples(USB_Host_Examples-HID) (17)2.19...
configs这个文件夹下就有,然后里面是。。。看样子文件有点多啊,LCD USB 。。。先看看README:Developm...
In some of the Cube repository's projects exists the CustomHID_Standalone project (example path: STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CustomHID_Standalone), which can help getting started. I suggest looking at the class code first to see what definitions ...
STM32F4 HAL Composite USB Device Example Hi, The STM32Cube FW package includes examples based on elementary USB classes (MSC, HID, CDC,...). Multi-interface applications (composite) are not yet developed. We’ll notify our development team about this subject. ...
4.2.29.\USB_Device\HID_LPM_Standalone\MDK-ARM134 4.2.30.\USB_Device\CustomHID_Standalone\MDK-ARM134 4.2.31.\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone\MDK-ARM137 4.2.32.\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone\MDK-ARM139 4.2.33.\USB_Device\DFU_Standalone\MDK-ARM139 4.2.34.\USB_Device\DualCore_Standalone\MD...