static bool requestOpenResult; if (request.readyState() == readyStateUnsent || request.readyState() == readyStateDone) { //requestOpenResult = request.open("GET", "http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Europe/London.txt"); requestOpenResult = request.open("GET", "http://worldtim...
bool "Enable MMC0 support eMMC type" config DRIVERS_HI3881 bool "Enable Hi3881 Host driver" default n depends on DRIVERS_HDF_WIFI help Answer Y to enable Hi3881 Host driver. config HW_RANDOM_ENABLE depends on DRIVERS_RANDOM bool "Select hw random" default y help Answer Y to select hw r...
storage_type = "emmc" 验证hb set配置是否正确,输入hb set能够显示如下图片表示配置正确。 执行hb set输入项目根目录,并且回车,hb命令会遍历所有//vendor/<product_company>/<product_name>目录下的config.json,给出可选产品编译选项,config.json的product_name用于显示产品名,device_company和board用于关联出//devi...
u8 bmpbuffer[1024] = {0}; //存储bmp文件的数组 //解码这个BMP文件 //设定显示起始位置以及终止位置 BOOL BmpDecode(u8 *filename,u16 sx,u16 sy,u16 ex,u16 ey) { FIL f_bmp; //文件系统变量,用于读取bmp文件 u16 filereadnum = 0; //用于记录文件字节读取数量 FRESULT res; //文件读取返回信息...
hosting) request->contentType(); // String: ContentType of the request (not available in Handler::canHandle) request->contentLength(); // size_t: ContentLength of the request (not available in Handler::canHandle) request->multipart(); // bool: True if the request has content type "...
bool "SoC STM32F407" endchoice 在kernel/liteos_m目录下执行make menuconfig,使得能够对SoC Series进行选择: 结果将自动保存在$(PRODUCT_PATH)/kernel_configs/debug.config,下次执行make menuconfig时会导出保存的结果。 BUILD.gn文件适配 为了快速熟悉gn的编译和适配,建议先阅读LiteOS-M内核BUILD.gn编写指南。
bool oldModeState = HIGH; unsigned long debounce[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; unsigned long modePressTime; unsigned long ledTime; unsigned long colorTime; unsigned long currentMillis; byte lightMode = 0; byte rgbMode = 0; byte colorCount; ...