Canon:USMUltrasonic Motor 佳能:USM超声波马达 Nikon:SWMSilent Wave Motor 尼康:SWM静音波电机 Olympus...
for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_SLOTS; i++) { if (read_ultrasonic_sensor(i) < MIN_DISTANCE) { mark_slot_occupied(i); } else { mark_slot_available(i); } } } 5.3 计费与支付系统代码 void process_payment(char* plate) { float fee = calculate_parking_fee(plate); generate_qr_code(fe...
In 7thexample, I will explain how to make a simple distance measurement system using the most popular HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor. We will simply measure the distance and then print it on the i2c supported SSD1306 Oled display module. These examples will help you in getting started with the S...
the piezoelectric chip will vibrate, converting mechanical energy into electrical signals, and then it becomes an ultrasonic receiver. Ultrasonic sensor uses the principle of the piezoelectric effect to convert electrical energy and ultrasound into each other, that is, ...
BaseType_t xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, // 函数指针, 任务函数 const char * const pcName, // 任务的名字 const configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE usStackDepth, // 栈大小,单位为word,10表示40字节 void * const pvParameters, // 调用任务函数时传入的参数 ...
Key?words:?STM32; infrared detection; ultrasonic obstacle avoidance; color sensing; steering control 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究意义概况 1 1.2研究思路 1 第二章 硬件设计部分 2 2.1中央解决模块 2 2.1.1 stm32f103内部构造 3 2.1.2 stm32最小系统电路设计 3 2.1.3 stm32软件...
tsensor.o tsl1401_ccd.crf tsl1401_ccd.d tsl1401_ccd.o ultrasonicwave.crf ultrasonicwave.d ultrasonicwave.o usart.crf usart.d usart.o usart1.crf usart1.d usart1.o usmart.crf usmart.d usmart.o usmart_config.crf usmart_config.d ...
In essence, the problem entails in reading an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and display the output in your own way. I decided to display the output with an LED in PWM mode. The closer the object is to the sensor, the brighter the LED shines. ...
Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor---Provide audible cues and visual aids to the driver for backing up parking, and vehicle proximity awareness. Grove - Light Sensor v1.2 - LS06-S phototransistor---Use for light measurement, light detection, and light-controlled switch in the vehicle. ...
static bool touchpad_is_pressed(void) { /*Your code comes here*/ static uint16_t prevx = GUI_WIDTH; static uint16_t prevy = GUI_HEIGHT; uint16_t intx, inty; XPT2046_Update(&intx, &inty); if (XPT2046_IsReasonable(intx, inty)) { ConvXPTtoILI(&intx, &inty); if (intx !