3.5、SetSysClock( )函数 在SetSysClock函数中,配置了系统时钟,PLL倍频以及分频系数: /** * @brief Configures the System clock source, PLL Multiplier and Divider factors, * AHB/APBx prescalers and Flash settings * @Note This function should be called only once the RCC clock configuration * is ...
Once the boot mode is selected, the application software can modify the memory accessible in the code area.This modification is performed by programming the MEM_MODE bits in the SYSCFG configuration register 1 (SYSCFG_CFGR1). Unlike Cortex® M3 and M4, the M0 CPU does not support the vec...
*/intmain(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN 1 *//* USER CODE END 1 *//* MCU Configuration---*//* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */HAL_Init();/* USER CODE BEGIN Init *//* USER CODE END Init *//* Configure the system clock */SystemClock_Co...
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File;; Build options: build flags, source filter; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages; Advanced options: extra scripting;; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples; htt...
点击System Core下拉栏中的 "SYS"--在SYS Mode and Config内的debug选项下拉栏中选择调试接口,SW模式就选择serial Wire.JTAG模式就选择JTAG.4PIN和5pin的区别多了一个复位引脚,具体根据自身的硬件调试接口设计决定,(这里我们选择SW模式)选择完成后右边单片机对应的引脚变绿;Timebase选项进行默认。
寄存器配置 代码语言:javascript 复制 hwwdg.Instance=WWDG;hwwdg.Init.Prescaler=WWDG_PRESCALER_1;hwwdg.Init.Window=240;hwwdg.Init.Counter=240;hwwdg.Init.EWIMode=WWDG_EWI_DISABLE;if(HAL_WWDG_Init(&hwwdg)!=HAL_OK){Error_Handler();}
②配置System Core选项中的SYS和RCC 在Pinout & Configuration 一栏下展开System Core,分别配置SYS和RCC。 ③Clock Configuration时钟树配置 时钟配置完成后,回到Pinout & Configuration一栏配置其他MCU外设。 ④MCU的串口配置 选择USART1,配置USART1参数。 开启USART1全局中断。
Here is the SYS debug settings Here is what CubeMX did. My questions is: It's necessary to do those job in main() ? I think the right way is to set up configuration before the program is running. and I right ? Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations...
DCD SysTick_Handler ; SysTick Handler ; External Interrupts DCD WWDG_IRQHandler ; Window Watchdog DCD PVD_IRQHandler ; PVD through EXTI Line detect DCD TAMPER_STAMP_IRQHandler ; Tamper and Time Stamp DCD RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler ; RTC Wakeup ...