重新拔插也可能能解决,但是解决不了,小虎选择了重装,然后接好了。 ST LINK is not in the DFU mode plesse restart it 卸载驱动,然后重新插回即可。 the content of the ST-link is corrupt 小虎重装最新版stlink utility解决了。 https://download.csdn.net/download/Davidietop/13068539...
然后进入STLINK固件界面: 图3.4.2进入STLINK固件更新界面 先拔掉连接STLINK的USB线,再重新接好USB线,如果不这样的话,当点击Device Connect的时候会提示“ST-Link is not in the DFU mode. Please restart it.”: 图3.4.3提示重启STLINK 重新接好USB线以后,点击Device ConnectàYes后即进入S...
我们先拔掉然后再重新连上连接下载器的USB线,接着点击Open in update mode,弹出如下界面(如果不这样操作,点击Open in update mode以后可能提示ST-Link is not in the DFU mode.Please restart it,即要求复位一下下载器。): 图4.1.6. 13驱动更新操作顺序 点击Upgrade更新ST-Link固件,等待更新进度条加载完成就更...
重新上电后可以启动应用程序。同时,发现错误码是:0x123450A 根据错误码找到了一个宏定义,STDFU_...
DFU全称为Download Firmware Update,是ST官方推出的一个通过USB接口进行IAP升级的方案,同串口ISP一样,他们都集成在了芯片内部的Bootloader区段,可以通过配置boot引脚来启动。 不过STM32内置DFU的型号都比较新,像STM32F4系列是有的,但是像F0和F1系列则没有,不过没有关系,如果你用的型号没有内置DFU程序,也可以通过Cube...
但随着 ST-Link 的功能升级后,固件大小正好超过了 64KB ,导致了现在提示的升级错误,如下图所示。提示信息为:The up-to-date firmware is too big for this board (4960 bytes in excess). Can't update。就差这么 4K 多的空间了。 解决思路 方案1:更换主控...
clicked a serial number then appears and the fake device will then work with STM32CubeProgrammer, but only after upgrading the fake device firmware using STLink Utility - note any message about the device not being in DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode just unplug from the USB...
The intended procedure to access the DFU is to: - Connect USB to host while device is unpowered - Power up the device We expect to enter DFU mode since the BOOT0 pin is held high before the system power is up. Instead of entering DFU mode, I see the following in Linux dmesg: [289...
kernel, as explained in the article too. If the compressed kernel is loaded too close to the beginning of RAM, where the kernel must be decompressed, there will be an overlap between the two. The decompressed kernel will overwrite the compressed one, potentially breaking the decompression ...
Describe the bug Tried the sample samples/subsys/usb/dfu with mcuboot on a STM32F429I-DISCO board. However, the DFU function gives error :Lost device after RESET? Adding the following solves the problem. However, I am not sure the solution is the best one. ...