在硬件设置中,需注意几个关键点。具体配置如下:在 STM32G474RET6 MCU 中,PA13 脚为 SWDIO (烧录 Debug PIN),PA14 脚为 T_SWCLK (烧录 Debug PIN),而 PC6 脚为 TIM8_CH1 (PWM 输出 PIN)。开发板 NUCLEO-G474RE 的信号接线图中,将示波器信号连接到 PC6 (TIM8_CH1) PWM 输出 PIN。
APB1 timer clocks : 170 MHz 3. CubeMX设定说明 ( TIM8 ) 这边要设定 STM32G474 内部TIM8_CH1功能,Pin 脚 PC6 输出500KHz PWM。 3.1 点选 STM32G474 方块图脚位 PC6,再点选 TIM8_CH1。 3.2 点选 Pinout & Configuration -> TIM8 -> Counter Settings -> Counter Period ( AutoReload Register ...
Mcu.UserName=STM32G474RETx MxCube.Version=6.11.1 MxDb.Version=DB.6.0.111 NVIC.BusFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC.DMA1_Channel1_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:true\:true NVIC.DMA1_Channel2_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:...
NUCLEO-C031C6 ST understands that despite all the benefits of a 32-bit architecture, financial and physical constraints may force some teams to use an 8-bit alternative.That’s why the STM32C0 has packages and a price rivaling 8-bit MCUs.Put simply, it opens engineers to new markets by e...
Nucleo-F401RE Pinout Configuration TheSTM32 Nucleo board pinoutis shown above. As you can see, there are two sets of pins. The pin one resembles the Arduino UNO and the blue one is the STM32 style (Morpho). The arduino like pins are female connector pins which exactly match the order ...
Example 1: NUCLEO-G474RE Nucleo board (MB1367). Connector, jumper, and solder bridge configurations should be modified with the following setup (refer to board reference documents via https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-g474re.html): • USB CN1...
STM32G4 2021 22 加速评估, 原型设计及产品开发 STM32G4 硬件资源 32-pin 64-pin STM32 Nucleo 灵活的原型设计 • NUCLEO-G431RB • NUCLEO-G474RE • NUCLEO-G431KB* Evaluation boards STM32G4全功能评估 • STM32G484E-EVAL • STM32G474E-EVAL • STM32G474E-EVAL1 Motor Control ...
“Type of Board” to Nucleo-32. You should now see your board in the board list. It’s the NUCLEO-L432KC, double click it. Now you will be in the project configuration page on the pinout tab. Scroll down to TIM1 and expand it. Set the clock source to...
The common 8-bit "Mcufriend" shields are supported for the STM Nucleo 64/144 boards and ESP32 UNO style board. The STM32 "Blue/Black Pill" boards can also be used with 8-bit parallel displays. The ESP32 board I have been using for testing has the following pinout: ...
X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1 uses the ST morpho connector and supports only one SPI. It is compatible with the following Nucleo-64 boards: NUCLEO-F030R8, NUCLEO-F070RB, NUCLEO-F072RB, NUCLEO-F091RC, NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO- F410RB, NUCLEO-F411RE, NUCLEO-F446RE, NUCLEO-G071RB, NUCLEO-L053R8, ...