外文翻译 STM32 Microcontroller Introduction Requirements based STM32 family is designed for high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded applications designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M3 core. According to the performance into two different series: STM32F103 "Enhanced" series and STM32F101 "Basic"...
MCU是Microcontroller Unit 的简称,中文叫微控制器,俗称单片机。而像树莓派、Jetson等为MPU(Micro Processor Unit),叫做微处理器,类似于CPU(中央处理器)、GPU(图像处理器)、DSP(数字信号处理器)等。 1.3 ARM ARM 是一个做芯片标准的公司,它负责的是芯片内核的架构设计(只设计,不生产,将设计授权给其他公司进行商用...
单片机STM32外文文献翻译、中英文翻译.pdf,外文译 英文原文: STM32 Microcontroller Introduction Requirements based STM32 family is designed for high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded applications designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M3 core.core. 〞
单片机STM32外文文献翻译、中英文翻译.pdf,外文翻译 英文原文: STM32 Microcontroller Introduction Requirements based STM32 family is designed for high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded applications designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M3 core. Accor
其实他就是一个微控制单元(MicroController Unit) NVIC 嵌套向量中断控制器(Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)(优先级) 作用 用于为中断分组,从而分配抢占优先级和响应优先级 SysTick 系统节拍定时器(system TIck ) 作用 具有自动重载和溢出中断功能,所有基... 查看原文 STM32 中断介绍及cubemx配置 。中断通道...
既然大家都使用的是 Cortex-M4 核,也就是说,本质上大家都是一样的,这样 ARM 公司为了能让不同的芯片公司生产的 Cortex-M4 芯片能在软件上基本兼容,和芯片生产商共同提出了一套标准 CMSIS 标准(Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) ,翻译过来是“ARM Cortex™ 微控制器软件接口标准”。ST 官方库...
CMSIS标准的英文全称是Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard,翻译过来就是ARM Cortex微控制器软件接口标准。因为基于Cortex内核的芯片生产厂商有很多,不只是ST公司。为了解决不同厂家生产的Crotex芯片软件兼容问题,ARM公司和其他芯片厂商制定了这个CMSIS标准。
These features make the STM32F103xx performance line microcontroller family suitable for a wide range of applications: ●Motor drive and application control●Medical and handheld equipment ●PC peripherals gaming and GPS platforms ●Industrial applications:PLC,inverters,printers,and scanners● Alarm systems,...
Cortex ?-M3 microcontroller STM32L series of products are based on the ultra-low-power ARM Cortex-M3 processor core, STMicroelectronics two unique energy-saving technologies: 130nm dedicated low-leakage current manufacturing process and optimize energy-saving architecture to deliver industry-leading ...