adapter_nsrst_assert_width 100 source [find target/stm32f0x.cfg] reset_config trst_only init targets reset halt #program /home/abob/temps-103/build/temps-103.bin verify reset flash write_image erase build/input-capture-i2c.bin 0x8000000 verify_image build/input-capture-i2c.bin 0x8000000 ...
2、Kicad KiCad 是一款 PCB 设计软件,优点是开源、有许多插件可用、有许多快捷键方便操作 学习路径:KiCad | 6.0 | 简体中文 | Documentation | KiCad PCB(Printed Circuit Board),中文名称为印制电路板,又称印刷线路板,是重要的电子部件,是电子元器件的支撑体,是电子元器件电气相互连接的载体。由于它是采用电...
PX4 Firmware for PX4FMU autopilot and PX4IO servo / failsafe board - archived-PX4Firmware/src/drivers/stm32/drv_input_capture.c at master · ArduPilot/archived-PX4Firmware
我采用 的是8KHZ 8位数据wav文件,去掉开头的格式数据之后,转换成bin文件通过串口烧录到flash中;利用 ...
Objective: I want to integrate the deployed files (.a and .h) of NanoEdge AI into STM32CubeIDE and configure communication with a serial monitor (Serial Monitor). The idea is to capture inputs through the serial monitor, process them in STM32CubeIDE with the NanoEdge AI Studio classificatio...
Product lines FLASH (KB) RAM (KB) LCD Segment Display Controller 8x48/ 4x52 USB 2.0 crystal-less device mode ULP Comparators ULP timers with input capture ULP UART AES 128/256 STM32U031 16 to 64 12 1 2 1 STM32U073 64 to 256 40 * * 2 3 2 STM32U083 256 40 * * 2 3 2...
STM32标准外设固件库文件结构及用途 文件夹树图及文件作用详述 stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_V3.5.0---ST 公司针对STM32提供的函数接口 ├─Release_Notes.html ---官方网页资源 ├─stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm ---库的帮助文档 ├─stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chw ├─htmresc ---CMSIS ...
Refer to Section 6.3.13: I/O port characteristics for details on the input/output alternate function characteristics (output compare, input capture, external clock, PWM output). Table 46. TIMx(1) characteristics Symbol tres(TIM) fEXT ResTIM tCOUNTER Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit - 1 - t...
Input Capture / Output Compare Others The table below summarizes some common features of STM32 timers. From all of these info we can draw the versatility of STM32 timers although they are not very easy to deal with in the beginning. This is why unlike my previous tutorials on other STM32...
The MAC hardware handles automatic ACK transmission and reception, automatic backoff delay, and clear channel assessment for transmission, as well as automatic filtering of received packets. A packet trace interface is also integrated with the MAC, allowing complete, non-intrusive capture of all packe...