f_mount(&fs," ", 1); 立刻报错fr_disk_err或者fr_not_ready 尝试过的方法:1. 4bits改为1bits...
f_mount is ok, but f_open after around 30s gives back an FR_DISK_ERR . When there is no card in the socket I'm getting fast FR_NOT_READY return. When exacuting f_open the funcion stucks on line 3050 from ff.c fmt = check_fs(fs, bsect); /* Load sector ...
FR_INVALID_PARAMETER/* (19) Given parameter is invalid */ } FRESULT;还有f_mount也有返回值,你应该看看是否mount成功。
I have created my own board on STM32F405RGT6 and I want to use MicroSD card with it. My problem is that the file system mount is working but not the file open. While f_open() is invoked the board freezes for about 30 seconds and later returns "FR_DISK_ERR" (1). SDIO is conf...
二、FATFS原理 1、底层接口,包括存储媒介读/写接口(disk I/O)和供给文件创建修改时间的实时时钟,...
f_open的返回不为零的可能性有很多种,可以根据具体的返回值,找到错误类型。 下面是具体的错误类型: typedef enum {FR_OK = 0, /* (0) Succeeded */ FR_DISK_ERR, /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */ FR_INT_ERR, /* (2) Assertion failed */ FR_NOT_READY...
在使用cube产生的fatfs工程时,第一步进行挂载,使用f_mount函数,总返回FR_DISK_ERR错误。大家有什么经验分享一下,十分感谢。 0 2019-1-3 10:00:13 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 范云力 相关推荐 • 使用外部flash(w25q64)挂载fatfs总是会出现坏文件是为什么 1822 • FATFS最多可以挂载多少个盘符? 300 ...
if ( checkFRESULT ( res ) == 0 ){ printf("\r\n打开文件(读操作)失败 \r\n");} else ...