You can usually find the address where the problem occurred in, and then, for example using arm-none-eabi-objdump list the symbols to find the function name this piece of code resides in, or disassemble (still with objdump) the code to find the exact instruction. All of this is of ...
11. In the blank portion of Blinky.c, add the C code below: unsigned int counter = 0; /*--- MAIN function *---*/ int main (void) { while(1) { counter++; if (counter > 0x0F) counter = 0; } } 12. Click on File/Save All or 13. Build the files. There will be no err...
The first called function is at the bottom of this table. This table is active only when the program is stopped. 3. Click on the Step In icon or F11: 4. Note the function different functions displayed as you step through them. If you get trapped in the Delay function, use Step Out ...