usb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(45): error: #20: identifier "FALSE" is undefined 在stm32f103.h中添加 typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool; 就没有错误了
.\usb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(511): error: #20: identifier "TRUE" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_Dri...
5、出现identifier "bool" is undefined 6、出现“No space in execution regions with .ANY selector ...
stm32 usb error : identifier "bool" is undefined 2016-06-02 21:36 −.\usb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb-dri... zhaocundang ...
\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(511): error: #20: identifier "TRUE" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(45): error: #20: identifier "FALSE" is undefined...
STM32自带的bool型变量 2014-11-23 20:31 −... 卤煮小鱼 0 5582 stm32 usb error : identifier "bool" is undefined 2016-06-02 21:36 −.\usb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb\USB\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb-dr...
= HAL_OK){returnFALSE;}else{returnTRUE;}}BOOLxMBPortSerialGetByte( CHAR * pucByte ){/* Return the byte in the UARTs receive buffer. This function is called* by the protocol stack after pxMBFrameCBByteReceived( ) has been called.*/if(HAL_UART_Receive (&huart1 ,(uint8_t*)pucByte,...
The API is very similar to the well known Arduino EEPROM.h API but with 4 additional functions: bool isValid()returnstrueif data in the emulated-EEPROM is valid (the data written to flash at least once byEEPROM.commit()orEEPROM.put()). Otherwise emulated-EEPROM data is "undefined" and ...
52 很早以前看过,一直没用过,自己通过大段的switch套switch语句解析MOSBUS。呵呵,这个我感觉也就那样...
1. 最简单的,函数重载, 这个语法特性就比C语言的好,还有运算符重载,这些都可以让代码变得更直观 2...