Advances in Engineering Research, volume 154 International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic Engineering & Science (MEEES 2018) Research of Water Quality Monitoring and Control System Based on STM32 Lei Zhang a, Xiaoning Chen School of Anhui University, Anhui 230601, China. a814043943@...
In this paper, a small water quality monitoring system based on Stm32 is designed on the basis of a deep understanding of the existing water quality monitoring system hardware and software equipment and the development trend at home and abroad. This design consists of Ph sensor, turbidity sensor...
关键词:单片机;水质监测;传感器;物联网;数据采集; ignandRealizationofWaterQuality MonitoringSystemBasedonSTM32 DUIZhi-kuiSUNBing-yuYANShu InstituteoflntelligentMachinery,Chinese AcademyofSciences; Abstract: TheSTM32acquisitionboardwasusedtorealizethewaterqualitymonitoring systeminaquaculture,andsuccessfullyappliedto...
Based on the design requirements and comparative analysis, the overall design scheme of online water quality monitoring system is proposed.STM32F103RCT6is the core component of the multi parameter water quality on-line monitoring system. Firstly, digital and analog sensors are used for data acquisition...
For the current aquaculture process of water quality monitoring method has low efficiency, poor realtime, working area is restricted and other shortcomings, designed a water quality monitoring unmanned boat system based on STM32 and Raspberry Pi. The system uses STM32 s...
S T M 32 单片机的智能水产养殖监测系统* 陈定武,张思扬 (温州商学院信息工程学院,温州325035 )*基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金(项目编号:L Y 16F 020022 )㊂摘要:本文针对传统人工养殖方式存在人力和物质资源严重浪费问题,设计了基于S TM 32的智能水产养殖系统,以实现对水产养殖水质环境各种关键指标的实时监控如...
Through a temperature sensor (DS18B20), the system can perform gear shifting and speed regulation operations on the basis of the collected surrounding temperature through Bluetooth wireless transmission. The main control module is based on the STM32 microcontroller, and the input part is based on ...