(WORK_DIR)/USER #由MICORLIB切换到NEWLIB需要使用的文件 DIR_NEWLIBAPI := $(WORK_DIR)/newlib_interface # 组装包含文件夹 DIR_INCLUDE := $(addprefix -I, $(DIR_NEWLIBAPI)) \ $(addprefix -I, $(DIR_STM32CORE)) \ $(addprefix -I, $(DIR_STM32FWLIB)/inc) \ $(addprefix -I, $(DIR_...
diskio.c #include "diskio.h" /* FatFs lower layer API */ //#include "usbdisk.h" /...
各位朋友好,我有个想法是这样的:了解了腾讯云人脸识别接口后,相关的API和SDK等好像以手机这样的高性能平台为开发对象(个人理解),我想做的是,怎样在单片机上(例如STM32系列)实现对人脸识别接口的调用?譬如识别到主人的“脸”后,控制一管脚电平继而控制继电器这样的功能? 本人专业技术为学生水平,只会简单的C语言编程,...
In my project, I configured the Ethernet as you suggested, while I didn't enable the cache(I also commented all the cache operation parts in the Ethernet API), but I found that some of the git branches of my project can work well and some branches' Ethernet didn't work well, e.g....
I am exploring the video API and I found a strange behaviour.While testing "Video example", I added a stop button.I was expecting the stop to update its frame to the start of a video but that did not happen.I had to *.showFrame(1) to force the update... 2024-11-27 11:32 AM...
Note: making this guide was a long process of trying different things, and I eventually settled on J-Link’s debugger over OpenOCD. This is mainly because I could not find a proper configuration to use it with this board. However, after making this guide, I ...
举个通俗的例子,比如读者想尝试其它的操作系统如鸿蒙LiteOS等又害怕移植会很花精力,如果LiteOS支持CMSIS-RTOS接口的话,读者基本可以不做修改就可以直接运行了,因为CMSIS RTOS API接口会负责调用系统的相关功能。(当然目前STM32CubeIDE只有针对FreeRTOS的直接选项)...
I found the following document, but this document was not published by STM. http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/llibre/st/STM32F439xx_User_Manual/group__gpio__ll__ef__data__access.html For many people, STM need to provide API documentation or sample code. ...
C] PM handling in SDMMC driver. See what is proposed recently for I2C on the same area (drivers: i2c: stm32: Implement PM_DEVICE mode support#52243) Note that implementing A] would allow to use MSI as SDMMC clock domain. Then B] is not an issue anymore. ...
开启系统服务。如果使能了此选项(打上对勾表示使能),系统将自动开启系统服务,比如HTTP, FTP, TFTP server等。如果没有使能,需要用户调用专门的API使能。 OS Resource Settings Core Thread Stack Size RL-TCPnet内核任务需要的栈大小,单位字节,范围512到65535。