STLINK-V3MINIE是一款独立的小型调试和编程探头,适用于STM32微控制器。 JTAG/SWD接口用于与应用板上的任何STM32微控制器进行通信。 STLINK-V3MINIE还带有一个虚拟COM端口接口,便于主机PC通过UART与目标微控制器通信。 STLINK-V3MINIE是一款便携式、易用型调试...
STLINK-V3MINIEis a standalone debugging and programming tiny probe forSTM32microcontrollers. The JTAG/SWDinterfaces are used to communicate with any STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. STLINK-V3MINIE also provides aVirtual COM portinterface for the host PC to communicate with the...
概要 STLINK-V3MINIE is a stand-alone debugging and programming tiny probe for STM32 microcontrollers. The JTAG/SWD interfaces are used to communicate with any STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. STLINK-V3MINIE also provides a Virtual COM port interface for the host PC to co...
st-linkv3minie转swd STM单片机 仿真器/编程器 2.1k 2 1 3 简介:STLINK-V3MINIE的接口使用了不是常规的JTAG或者SWD,转接板将2*7pin的1.27mm间距排针转换成1*5pin的2.54间距的SWD接口,顺便将虚拟串口也接出来 开源协议: Public Domain 创建时间:2022-11-11 14:38:09更新时间:2022-12-12 13:40:41 ...
JTAG/SWD,VCP Support STM32 Contents 1Overview 1.1Firmware Selection 1.2Device Connection 1.2.1Connect STLINK-V3MINIE to PC 1.2.2JTAG/SWD Interface to Connect STM32 Target Board 1.3Software Connection 1.3.1Use Keil to Program 1.3.2STM32CubeProgrammer Example ...
the jtag/swd interfaces are used to municate with any stm32 microcontroller located on an application board. stlink-v3minie also provides a virtual port interface for the host pc to municate with the target microcontroller through one uart. stlink-v3minie is a portable version easytouse de...
核心: ARM Cortex M 品牌: STMicroelectronics 用於: IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil MDK ARM, STM32CubeIDE 接口類型: JTAG, SWD, USB 2.0 工作電源電壓: 1.65 V to 3.6 V 封裝: Bulk 產品類型: Debuggers 1 子類別: Development Tools 每件重量: 9 g...
STLINK-V3MINIE STLINK-V3MINIE产品: In-Circuit Debuggers / Programmers 工具用于评估: STM32 MCUs 核心: ARM Cortex M 商标: STMicroelectronics 用于: IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil MDK ARM, STM32CubeIDE 接口类型: JTAG, SWD, USB 2.0 工作电源电压: 1.65 V to 3.6 V...
Integrated Features:The STLINK-V3MINI includes a virtual COM port interface, JTAG/SWD debugging, and USB 2.0 high-speed compatibility. User-Friendly Interface:The STLINK-V3MINI features LED indicators for communication and power, making its status clear at a glance. Efficient Power Supply:The ST...
STLINK-V3MINIE 是一款用于 STM32 微控制器的独立调试和编程微型探针。 0 DB4541_适用于STM32微控制器的STLINK-V3MINIE调试器/编程器微型探针.pdf 748.8 KB , 下载次数: 1 淘帖 显示全部楼层 最近下载过的用户(1) 相关推荐 • 如何使用STLINK-V3SET的SWD? 641 • STM32H563的STlink-V3...