2. 检查ST-Link驱动和固件是否为最新版本 更新固件:从ST官网下载最新的ST-Link固件升级工具(如STM32 ST-LINK Utility或STM32CubeProgrammer),并按照说明更新ST-Link的固件。在更新过程中,如果遇到“st-link usb communication error”,可以尝试在拔下USB并重新插上的瞬间点击连接按钮。 更新驱动:确保计算机上安装了S...
USB连接问题:检查USB线缆是否连接稳定,尝试更换USB端口或使用另一根USB线缆。 驱动问题:确保正确安装了STlink的驱动程序。可以尝试重新安装驱动程序或更新驱动程序至最新版本。 STlink固件问题:有时候,STlink的固件可能需要更新。可以尝试使用ST-Link Utility软件更新STlink的固件。 芯片上电问题:确保目标芯片上电正常,检...
这时,可以尝试从设备管理器中更新驱动,或者使用STM32 ST-LINK Utility进行固件升级操作。确保ST-LINK...
遇到的问题可能是:st-link usb communication error.如下图: 此问题的解决办法是【固件升级】。 五、固件升级方法: Step1,需要准备一个 STM32 ST-LINK Utility,直接去官网下载 下载链接:STSW-LINK004 - STM32 ST-LINK utility (replaced by STM32CubeProgrammer) - STMicroelectronics Step2,将ST-Link接入电脑的...
最后就是ST-Link usb communication error 问题2界面解决方法, 首先在你的keil安装目录下的STLink路径文件中找到“ST-LinkUpgrade.exe”,然后点击运行,插上STM32F板子到电脑,打开STM32 ST-LINK Utility ST-LINK->firmware update改变固件版本,点击Device Connect按钮,连接。如果Device Connect连不上可以把烧录器拔了...
µVISION DEBUGGER: ST-LINK USB communication error ST-LINK/V2 - ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger...
As a last resort, I even reinstalled my OS to ensure that there is no USB driver that messes with the ST-Link. But it still does not work. I have no idea left how I can fix this problem. I hope someone can help me.#stlink-error #st-util #windows-10 #st-linkv2 Labels...
CHECK THE USB SETTINGS Verify that only one application is connected to the ST-Link at a time (ex. if both µVision and the ST-Link Utility try to use the ST-Link at the same time, this can cause connection issues). Try using another USB port on the PC. If using a Hub, try ...
`当我将STLINK V2插入USB端口然后打开STLINK Utility工具时,我的STLINK V2有一些奇怪的行为。当我进入设置时,它找到了STLINK V2,但是大约5s后,程序似乎挂起,序列号消 ...
Even after ST Link utility says there is a usb communication error, in device manager, it's still showing up normal. Also noticed that ST Link utilities sometimes becomes unresponsive for about 10 seconds. Please help me as I'm currently unable to continue development and it was Semtech that...