这里显示报错了,具体的日志要去STL_LOAD_ERRORS当中查看,这个其实是一张表。在这个表当中有报错的相信原因。怎么去查询原因那,查询的语句如下: SELECT * FROM STL_LOAD_ERRORSwherefilename like'%table_name%'order by starttime desc limit10 查询到的结果如下: 在这个表当中与两列是非常有用的,其中err_code...
在将S3文件导入到Redshifit,提示错误: psycopg2.InternalError: Load into table 'table_name' failed. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.并没有具体的错误原因,只能按照提示查系统表stl_load_errors。 解决方案: 在Redshift中查询系统表... ...
Since I was previously using .stl files for my robot model, I tried converting them to .dae files using Meshlab. While doing so, I tried different kinds of loaders for the loader option in UrdfClient, none seemed to work, not for .stl nor for .dae files. The path http://localhost/...