selectdistincta.xid,trim(, a.status, a.rows, a.modified_rows, a.starttime, a.endtimefromstl_analyze ajoinstv_tbl_perm'users'orderbystarttime; xid|name|status|rows|modified_rows|starttime|endtime---+---+---+---+---+---+---1582|use...
J. NúezF. MuozM. SanzClinical Oral Implants ResearchSanz Martin I, Permuy M, Vignoletti F, Nunez J, Munoz F, Sanz M. A novel methodological approach using superimposed micro-CT and STL images to analyze hard and soft tissue volume in immediate and delayed implants with different cervical ...
select distinct a.xid, trim( as name, a.status, a.rows, a.modified_rows, a.starttime, a.endtime from stl_analyze a join stv_tbl_perm t on where name = 'users' order by starttime; xid | name | status | rows | modified_rows | starttime | endtime ...