Done! Your STL file has been converted to OBJ format. You can download it to your device. .stl STL converter STL (Stereolithography) is a format created by 3D Systems. Many other software packages support this file format. It is widely used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing, and computer...
Bear File Converter是另一种快速将3D模型转换为STL格式的好方法。其界面简单明了。与AnyConv一样,Bear File Converter的最大文件上传大小为50 MB。 支持的文件格式45种文件类型,包括BLEND、OBJ和STL 操作系统基于浏览器(移动友好) 费用:免费 5、Makexyz Makexyz OBJ到STL转换器可处理大文件(来源:Makexyz) ...
.stl STL converter STL (Stereolithography) is a format created by 3D Systems. Many other software packages support this file format. It is widely used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing, and computer-aided manufacturing. 🔁 Conversion TIFF to STL ⏱ Time to convert 20 secondsOther...
Convert STL files quickly and easily to 3MF files, online and completely free. But the converter can do even more: STL files for 3D printing, OBJ files for computer animations or CAD are no problem for it.
Image to STL converter 3D models on demand English Sign up Log in Convert 2d images to 3d STL files Tool to generate STL geometry files from 2D imagesOnline utility to convert png or jpg formats to stl Easily convert your design or 2d photography to stl format, editable with multiple free...
DXF ist ein Grafik-Bildformat in der Regel mit AutoCAD-Software verwendet. STL ist eine CAD-Software von 3D Systems. Und stl können in 3D-Drucker verwendet. Eingang Formats:dxf Ausgang Formatsstl Optionen: Upload file size should be less than:50M ...
1、访问NCH Software网站并下载spin 3D converter,然后安装并启动它。目前只有Windows版本。如果您有其他操作系统,请考虑使用在线版本或接着文章继续往下看。 2、单击添加文件将文件导入到软件中。您可以导入多个文件并同时进行转换。 3、选择输出格式为STL,然后继续保存转换后的文件。
方法/步骤 1 准备好要转化的igs或iges文件,在浏览器里输入或者在百度搜索 魔猴网,进入魔猴网后点击上方导航 3D格式转化 2 在页面打开后,点击上传,选择要转化的igs或iges文件 3 开始上传,上传完成后自动开始转化 4 完成转化后,点击下载,即可得到stl文件,完成3D格式...
方法/步骤 1 准备好要转化的stp或step文件,在浏览器里输入或者在百度搜索 魔猴网,进入魔猴网后点击上方导航 3D格式转化 2 点击上传,选择要转化的STP或STEP文件 3 开始上传,上传完成后自动开始转化 4 完成转化为自动出现3D预览,点击下载,即可得到stl文件,完成3D格式...
3D Model file Converter A simple 3d model file converter online. support input almost populate 3d mode file and support output type is Collada ( .dae ),Wavefront Object ( .obj ),Stereolithography ( .stl ),Stanford Polygon Library ( .ply ). If you have a 3DContinue reading→...