stl文件有2 种类型:文本文件(ASCII格式)和二进制文件(BINARY)。如何在两种模式的stl文件之间实现转换呢?
64、BCD_I( Binary Coded Decimal _I 二进制编码的十进制 ) :BCD 码转整数 65、I_BCD( I_ Binary Coded DecimaL ) :整数转BCD码 66、B_I( Bit to int ) :字节转整数 67、I_B( int to bit ) :整数转字节 68、DI_I( Double int to ...
64、BCD_I ( Binary Coded Decimal _I 二进制编码的十进制 ) :BCD 码转整数 65、I_BCD ( I_ Binary Coded DecimaL ) :整数转BCD码 66、B_I ( Bit to int ) :字节转整数 67、I_B ( int to bit ) :整数转字节 68、DI_I ( Double int to int ) :双整数转整数 69、I_DI ( int to doub...
64、BCD_I( Binary Coded Decimal _I二进制编码的十进制) :BCD 码转整数 65、I_BCD( I_ Binary Coded DecimaL ) :整数转BCD码 66、B_I( Bit to int ) :字节转整数 67、I_B( int to bit ) :整数转字节 68、DI_I( Double int to int ) :双整数转整数 69、I_DI( int to double int ) :...
60、AD_T_TBL ( Add data to table 添加数据到表格中) :填数据表61、FIFO ( First in First out 先进先出 ) :先进先出62、LIFO ( Last in First out 后进先出 ) :后进先出63、TBL_FIND ( Table Find 表格查找 ) :表查找64、BCD_I ( Binary Coded Decimal _I 二进制编码的十进制 ) :BCD 码...
60、AD_T_TBL (Add data to table添加数据到表格中):添加数据 61、FIFO (First in First out先进先出):先进先出 62、LIFO (Last in First out后进先出):后进先出 63、TBL_FIND (Table Find表格查找):表格查找 64、BCD_I (Binary Coded Decimal _I二进制编码的十进制):BCD码转整数 65...
find(b'endsolid')+1 if isSolid & isEndSolid: stlFORMAT = 'ascii' else: stlFORMAT = 'binary' fid.close() return stlFORMAT 二进制格式STL文件的读取 python中不能直接处理二进制数据,需要导入struct模块进行解析,即struct.unpack函数。 def READ_stlbinary(stlFILENAME): import struct # Open the ...
stlwrite - Write binary or ascii STL file 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 43 作者: G Lohsen 摘要: STLWRITE(FILE,fv) writes a stereolithography (STL) file to FILE for a triangulated patch defined by FV (a structure with fields 'vertices' and 'faces')....
stlwrite('test.stl',fv) % Save to binary .stl Example 2: % Write ascii STL from gridded data [X,Y] = deal(1:40); % Create grid reference Z = peaks(40); % Create grid height stlwrite('test.stl',X,Y,Z,'mode','ascii') ...
5. Utilizing ASCII Format: If updating ZBrush does not resolve the issue, consider converting the binary STL file to ASCII format. ZBrush handles the ASCII format more seamlessly, reducing the likelihood of encounteringerrors. Utilize third-party software, such as MeshLab or FreeCAD, to convert ...