Contacting a realtor whose office you trust should be your first step if you’re unsure of the exact buying area or maybe you have ahouse for sale in Graysin mind. It may only be posh and modern, or you may have colleagues who seem nice. The most important thing is that you feel at...
Collinsville, IL Real Estate Agents Collinsville, IL Homes for Sale Collinsville, IL Rentals & Apartments for Lease To visit the official page of Collinsville,click here.
Morgan Ford & Juniata Apartmentsbyurban_dilettanteView the latest post 3:41 AM - Today North St. Louis Forums Topics Posts Last post Projects and Construction Discuss construction activity, major renovations, office projects, streetscape improvements, etc. in North City -- defined by the area north...
or converting a 5 bed / 1 bath home into a 3 bedroom 3.5 bath home means smaller family sizes. A gut rehab we did a few years ago had 8 people living in 2 apartments at the 1940 census, was purchased by a single person. The home 2 bedroom home my grandmother grew up in with her...
basements with 2 apartments sharing one basement. There are 14 washer and dryer hookups (no machines currently in place). The current rents total $8,965/month, with potential for increases. The nearby 2202 Hord, 63136 recently sold for $60,000 per unit, with each unit rented at $605/...
b. Construction, maintenance and management of apartments; b.公寓的建设、维护和管理; C. C。 Compensated allocation and transfer of land use rights; 土地使用权有偿划拨、出让; d. Apartment sales and leasing; d.公寓买卖、租赁; e. Real estate mortgage; ...
国贸鹭原售楼处电话:400-9939-964国贸鹭原官方电话:400-9939-964 Shanghai Songjiang International Trade Luyuan Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964 International trade Luyuan hot sales 上海松江国贸鹭原售楼处电话:400-9939-964国贸鹭原热销售中 Songjiangshu district allowed existing apartments soon handed in ...
architecture about us The design of homes should take into account the local climatic circumstances, national traditions, and way of life. Designing homes with flats of 2, 3, or 4 rooms for single-family occupancy falls under the category of homestead ho
【 Warm tips: Please make an appointment in advance, stagger the peak, thank you for your cooperation 】 【温馨提示:看房请提前预约,错开高峰,谢谢配合】 In the sale of apartments, whether it is the square structure of the building surface of about 100~122m² hardcover three rooms, or the...
The developers on the side of the community plan capsule apartments (foreign luxury homes necessary), for home aunts to live, parking lots with driver's lounge, the future community will be equipped with community private hospitals, few developers in Shanghai dare to build such a large apartment...