Multiple tunneling of quasiparticles in a superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) detector increases the fluctuations in the measured charge. To optimize the energy resolution of an STJ detector, it is necessary to know the time dependence of the integrated charge and its noise. In this work, the...
一、严生武担任职务:严生武目前担任叶城县阳光交通建设发展有限公司法定代表人,同时在3家企业担任高管,包括担任叶城县阳光交通建设发展有限公司董事长,董事,叶城县鼎鑫矿粉加工有限公司监事;二、严生武的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,严生武目前有3个商业合作伙伴,包括徐景云、李小燕、张前红等。 财产...
太空中的“旋转都市” 杰拉德·奥尼尔是美国著名物理学家,同时还是普林斯顿大学的教授和太空爱好者。奥尼尔认为,人们终究要居住到太空中。首先,工业生产活动可以集中到那里去,这样就可以减少对环境的污染,避免耗尽地球资源;其次,对于地球上日益增长的人口来说,太空可以提供迫切急需的生活空间;最后,在太空可以建立一种全新...
STJs are ideally suited for measurements of this type due to their high resolution at the low recoil energies in EC decay, and their high-rate counting capabilities. We present the motivation for the BeEST experiment and describe the various phases of the project....
It has been shown that quasiparticle losses at the strip boundaries caused the dependence of the signals on the photon absorption site in transverse direction. The latter worsens the energy resolution and transforms the spectral line of the detector to nongaussian shape....
The quasiparticle self-recombination was considered in the frame of 2D diffusion model of the strip X-ray detectors. The detector consists of a long superconducting strip, which is ended by the trapping layers and superconducting tunnel junctions at each end. The model takes into account the 2D-...
Indeed, MBE- grown GaAs-based structures operated at the 1.3 mm wavelength are currently developed using self-organized InAs QDs in GaAs [2], InGaAs [3] or AlGaAs [4] matrices. The semiconductor lasers, based on QD structures, exhibit many advantages such as lower threshold current density, ...
新一代All-In-One Naim(名)Uniti音响系统All-In-One system这个概念的本意是好的,但真正完美的All-In-One却一直没有出现,较早的All-In-One还在VCD时代,后来又以极快的速度进入DVD时代,现在又进人了全高清时代……随着软件与硬件规格的逐步提高,以前的All-In-One也就成了过时产品....
∆F = 2 FLAVOR CHANGING NEUTRAL CURRENTS IN NEUTRAL MESONSMiriam A. Fuentes-GonzálezAlbino Hernández-Galeana