Stitches can leave deep linear marks on any area of your body, such as face including forehead, cheek, etc., arms or hands, upper body (like chest, abdomen, and back), lower body (such as the thigh, calf, foot.)Can You Prevent Stich Marks?
Is deep, jagged, or gaping Is on the face or another part of the body where scarring may be an issue Bleeds profusely without stopping after 20 minutes of direct pressure Feels numb Is in a hand or limb that doesn't function properly after being cut If any of these criteria apply to ...
According to the Wound Care Society, the reasons why a wound needs to be closed by suturing are to stop bleeding, promote healing, prevent infection, and prevent scarring. Sutures include absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed, non-absorbable sutures that need to be removed, and ...
For a smaller cut that doesn’t need stitches, putantiseptic ointment and an adhesive bandageon it. An example is a butterfly closure bandage. You probably have one of them in your first aid kid. The dressing keeps the wound clean and prevents infection. It can also help prevent scarring....
To prevent the scarring and discomfort of stitches and staples, a medical device company has created what it thinks is a quicker, simpler and more desirable way to close small surgical wounds. First published on To prevent the scarring and discomfort of stitches and stap...