Sanders left Disney to join DreamWorks Animation (a rival animation company to Disney) in 2007 due to creative differences over Disney rejecting his original Bolt script and designs. Despite his departure, though, Sanders still continues to voice Stitch in video games, such as Kingdom Hearts II,...
Although Japanese cultural references (and even Japanese kana, kanji and romaji) are mostly kept in the dub (with some Japanese kana, and kanji translated to English, and some Japanese characters given western and American names and Japanese yen changed to American dollars), the script/dialogue ...
Sanders left Disney to join DreamWorks Animation (a rival animation company to Disney) in 2007 due to creative differences over Disney rejecting his original Bolt script and designs. Despite his departure, though, Sanders still continues to voice Stitch in video games, such as Kingdom Hearts II,...
Sanders left Disney to join DreamWorks Animation (a rival animation company to Disney) in 2007 due to creative differences over Disney rejecting his original Bolt script and designs. Despite his departure, though, Sanders still continues to voice Stitch in video games, such as Kingdom Hearts II,...
Some scholars refer to the lead crow as Jim Crow, though there is no indication that he was named that in the original script nor production notes. However, though it was honestly not creator Dick Huemer's intention, made evident 5 This interpretation mirrors a natural uniqueness due to the...