IPATSTIRPATImPACTCO2 emissionsEcological footprintEnergyEnvironmental Kuznets curveEcological elasticityDespite the scientific consensus that humans have dramatically altered the global environment, we have a limited knowledge of the specific forces driving those impacts. One key limitation to a precise ...
Here we assess the analytic utility of the well-known IPAT identity, the newly developed ImPACT identity, and their stochastic cousin, the STIRPAT model. We discuss the relationship between these three formulations, their similar conceptual underpinnings and their divergent uses. We then refine the ...
STIRPAT模型起源于IPAT等式(Impact = Population × Affluence × Technology),由Ehrlich和Holdren于1971年首次提出。IPAT等式简单直观地表达了环境压力与人口、富裕度和技术之间的关系。然而,为了更灵活地考虑各种非线性关系和随机因素,Dietz和Rosa在1994年对IPAT等式进行了拓展,引入了随机误差项和指数...
[13]YORK R,ROSA E A,DIETA T.STIRPAT,IPAT and impact:analytic tools for unpacking the driving forces of environmental impacts[J].Ecological Economics,2003,46(3):351-365. [14]黄蕊,王铮.基于STIRPAT模型的重庆市能源消费碳排放影响因素研究[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(2):602-608. [15]渠慎宁,郭朝先...
STIRPAT, IPAT and ImPACT: analytic tools for unpacking the driving forces of environ- mental impacts. Ecological Economics, 2003, 46(3): 351-365. [30] Ehrlich P R, Holdrens J P. The impact of population growth. Science, 1971, 171: 1212-1217. [31] 李春华, 李宁, 石岳. 基于 STIRPAT ...
Waggoner对IPAT恒等式进行了衍生,将T分解成单位GDP的消耗量C和单位消耗量对环境的影响T,得到“ImPACT”模型: I=PACT(1) IPAT、ImPACT等模型雖然易于理解和操作,但仍存在一些不足:各因素对环境的影响表现为比例相同的简单线性关系,不能反映各因素变化时环境的变化程度;其次,等式两边量纲的统一限制了对影响环境的其他...
5; , P ;A ; T , , ; I IPAT , , , Waggoner Ausubel 2002 IPAT , , T GDP ( C) ( T) , / ImPACT 0, / I = , , PACT0 , York 2002 , / IPAT 0 2043 2040 / ImPACT 0: , , , , 4. 5% - 5% , IPAT , 2040 , GDP 10 , OECD , York IPAT , ST IRPAT ( Stochastic ...
York, R., Rosa, E. A., & Dietz, T. (2003). STIRPPAT, IPAT and ImPACT: Analytic tools for unpacking the driving forces of environmental impacts. Ecological Economics,46, 351–356. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-8009(03)00188-5. Article Google Scholar Download references ...