Wildlife takes the hit from green energy projects With all of the turbines now constructed, the environmental damage has begun to rear its ugly head. A damningreportby the Shetland Islands Council linked the disappearance of the Burn of Lunklet’s trout population to runoff from excavation taking...
Our mission is to deliver excellence in education in all our schools and universities – from the UK and Europe to India and the Middle East. There is no doubt that the world is changing and that many of tomorrow’s careers will require a new set of skills, including a greater emphasis ...
“Our Residents Make All of It Worthwhile”: A Conversation with The Chair of Bridge of Allan Community Council. Amanda Coulthard has worked in public service for her entire life so it is no surprise that she has ended up chairing Bridge of Allan’s Community Council, Brig sat down with he...
by Mikhail Riches with Cathy Hawley for Norwich City Council 2018 - Bloomberg, London by Foster + Partners for Bloomberg 2017 - Hastings Pier by dRMM Architects 2016 - Newport Street Gallery by Caruso St John Architects for private client, winning RIBA Stirling Prize 2016, RIBA National Award 20...
For more information about the Park and Ride Service see the Stirling Council website. Come out of the front exit at Stirling railway station and turn left. You will see a modern looking foot bridge not too far in front of you as you walk down the r...
“It seems crazy, a city with quite a thriving student population and there wasn’t anything.” The thing that especially stuck with McMurray was Arran’s first pride. “If Arran can have a pride with a population of four and a half thousand people, Stirling should really have a pride.”...
Stirling Council have created anonline book of condolencewhere members of the public can write a message and pay their respects.
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A Policy Framework for Climate and Energy in the Period from 2020 to 2030. Available online: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?